Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a new one!!

hye everyone!!

this is my second blog and i never think dat i wll hve 2 blog..hehheh:) this blog just 4 ma computer class at UiTM merbok, sg petani kedah.... this was interesting thing coz we have to do our own blog as our first assignment in this class and we have to post it in english and we can "rojak" it with malay..huuuh:D tankss to our teacher, mr shahadan coz let us use twice english not so good,if i did a mistake just give a comment ok??


ermmm..4 ma first post i must put my objectives and expectation 4 dis class...

my objectives for csc 134 class are;
  1. i want to improve my knowledge about computer
  2. i want to become the student that clever and know about iT and in my academic field..
  3. to get some knowledge from ma lecturer,mr shahadan...
  4. to know about the differences of software and hardware..
  5. tak ketinggalan zaman mngenai iT
my expectations 4 dis class are;
-i hope this class will be interesting and can make me more expert in computer..hehehhe:)
-i also expect that this class will help me to improve my knowledge about computer...
-sye juga boleh tau yg baru mngenai komputer dan mnjadi insan yg tidak buta iT...

that's all 4 da first post from me..n wait for a new post okay?i hope mr shahadan berpuas hti dgn post yg pertama ini... :D

1 comment:

  1. salam..
    hye :) awk first sem kt uitm kedah ea?
    amik asasi law ke?
